Obstetric Shared Care
GP Obstetric Shared Care is a care option for pregnant women who are delivering in a public hospital. It is an arrangement between your GP and a public birthing hospital or birth setting. It allows you to see your GP for most of your pregnancy appointments, which is excellent for continuity of care. We have several GPs at Hughes Clinic who are registered and qualified to provide GP Shared Care. For more information read below.

Would you like to have your GP and hospital share the care of you and your baby during pregnancy?
Shared care allows you to have continuity of care with your GP throughout your pregnancy.
It is an arrangement between your GP and a public birthing hospital, where your pregnancy care is shared between the two. Most of your antenatal appointments will be with your GP and therefore only minimal hospital visits are required. Your labour and delivery care will be provided by the hospital doctors and midwives.
Your GP will then also provide the ongoing care after discharge from hospital for you and your baby. Routinely this involves a 2 week and 6 week post partum (post birth) appointment for both mother and baby.
These doctors provide GP Obstetric Shared care –
All of our doctors offering Shared Care are accredited with GP Obstetric Shared Care SA ensuring a high standard of care.
Benefits of a Shared Care pregnancy:
You see the same doctor for most of your pregnancy care and often you are already familiar with the GP (or clinic) and they know your medical history. Others will seek out a GP at a clinic who does shared care as it means they have the same doctor for all of their appointments and can build a rapport with them rather than a different doctor/midwife for every appointment at the hospital
Appointment times with your GP are usually more convenient and waiting times are also often a lot shorter compared with public hospital clinics
Location of GP rooms are usually closer than hospitals, and we have ample free parking
After delivery you will still have access to continuity of care – the same GP who has looked after you during your pregnancy can continue to care for you and your baby in the weeks and months after birth.
Pregnant and interested in Shared Care?
Ring Hughes Medical Clinic on 8272 8266 and make an appointment with one of our shared care doctors for more information.
We look forward to caring for you during your pregnancy and beyond!
SA GP Obstetric Shared Care brochure:
Useful websites:
During Pregnancy
Mother to Baby - Medications in Pregnancy
Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy
Food Safety during Pregnancy
Exercise during Pregnancy
Healthy Eating during Pregnancy​
PANDA: Talking to your doctor about mental health
Delivery and prenatal/antenatal
Having your baby at the Women's and Children's Hospital
SA Maternal Serum Antenatal Screening (SAMSAS) Program
Pregnancy, Birth and Baby
Australian Breastfeeding Association
The Royal Women's Hospital fact sheets
Prenatal Screening