Our general practitioners are committed to supporting you and managing your mental health. Mental Health Care Plans are available for certain diagnosed conditions and assist you and your GP with managing your mental health. Mental Health Care Plans give your GP time to perform a thorough assessment of your mental health and to develop a plan to improve your mental health. This may include a referral to a psychologist and the Treatment Plan will facilitate 10 Medicare subsidised visits to a psychologist per calendar year.
What's involved in a Mental Health Care Plan?
A Mental Health Care Plan requires an extended appointment with your GP. Your GP will perform a complete mental health assessment and develop a Treatment Plan with you. If a referral to a psychologist is required your GP will write a referral. The referral and Mental Health Care Plan will facilitate 10 Medicare subsidised visits per calendar year. Children are also able to have a Mental Health Care Plans. Your GP or psychologist will tell you when your mental health care plan needs to be reviewed.
Please note, if you're a new patient to our practice we will need a copy of your previous plan (if applicable) before we can review it. Please speak with our reception team about requesting your records from your previous practice.
Please visit our fees page for information on mental health care plan appointments. Please note, the doctor can only treat your mental health during this consult type due to Medicare rules stipulating that a rebate is not payable on other services during a mental health consult. If you have other issues to discuss please make a separate appointment on a separate day.